Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gem Guide

Diversifies the personality allowing for well rounded interest and influences.
Physical: Strengthens muscular tissue, especially the heart, also a strong anti-carcinogenic. Good for smokers.
Emotional: Aligns the esthetic body and balances the feminine qualities.

Agate is a variety of chalcedony. It tones and strengthens the body and mind. It imparts a sense of strength and courage. It facilitates the ability to discern truth and accept circumstances. Grounding but energetic. The Agate is a powerful healer.

Botswana Agate
Transmutes energies that are less than positive, allows one to take an objective look at one self. Opens one to explore beyond the known boundaries of knowledge.
Physical: Aids in lung and tissue regeneration. Helps rid the body of toxins through the use of the lungs
Emotional: Alleviates depression and lethargy. Opens one to maintain consciousness during such exercises as re-birthing.

Ellensburg Blue Agate
Assists one in "out of body" experiences.
Physical: Aids in the oxygenation of the body and in the relief of pollen headaches.
Emotional: Promotes rational thought and calm focus on business and earthbound matters.

Fire Agate
Master healer stone for those who function as light bearers. It grounds, balances and transforms one into a state of harmony.
Physical: Influences the balance of the endocrine system and helps to clear disorders of the central nervous system. Enhances night vision.
Emotional: Assists in the greater development of balance concerning sexual issues. Assists one in placing sexuality in its perspective of co-creation rather than procreation. Creates a sense of sexuality of a higher order.

Moss Agate
Helps one to attune to nature and that which is natural. Assists one in communicating with the plant kingdom and the realm of the devas.
Physical: Relieves symptoms of hypoglycemia and diabetes. Increases the bodies ability to assimilate protein from vegetable sources.
Emotional: Aligns the mental and emotional bodies to function as a single unit. Opens one to the ability to agree and improves self-esteem.

Helps one to return to the origins of their development; assists one in becoming centered and in holding ones self in high esteem.
Physical: Improves the assimilation of protein and alleviates disorders of the central nervous system.
Emotional: Develops the ability to be aware of the interconnection of all things. Assists one in rejuvenating oneself from the inside out.

Stimulates the DNA process and aids in the accurate regeneration of cellular tissue. Assists the body in letting go of the past and creating anew.
Physical: Strengthens the thyroid, inner ear and neurological tissue. It may be used in an elixir to treat disorders of the kidneys and bladder.
Emotional: Activates a desire to serve humanity, stimulates the intellect and helps to activate the pituitary gland.
Necklaces with Amber: Chakra 3 and 6, Master Communicator, Green Garnet and Citrine

Calms the mind, enhances mental activity and lends strength and will power to control passions and break undesirable habits.
Physical: Balances metabolism, stimulates tissue regeneration and increases the production of red corpuscles. May be used to treat disorders of blood sugar levels and lapses in the immune system.
Emotional: Amplifies thought, increases intuition and integrates emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to function as a single unit.
Necklaces with Amethyst: Buddha's Delight, Shree Ganesh, Chinese Theatre, Holy Tree

Assist one in accessing connection to higher self and successfully dealing with the stress that comes with following one's truth.
Physical: Assist the pancreas in functioning correctly, stimulates hyper oxygenation. Helps one to recognize and accept physical body changes.
Emotional: Enhances the acceptance of compatibility, helps to clear emotional blockages and opens one to interaction and cooperation with fellowman without stress.

Magnifies the consciousness stored in the solar plexus and heart chakra, helping one to operate powerfully and gently.
Physical: Stimulates the neurological synapses of the brain. Helps to remove energy blockages, and balances the absorption of calcium.
Emotional: Assist one in expressing completely and with love on all matters. Strengthens the ability to bring order out of chaos.
Helps one to develop the ability to serve humanity in the capacity of healing, communication, teaching, and energy balancing. It is useful as a bridge between consciousness and matter.
Physical: helps one to focus healing energy on physical body. Creates balance and wellness to internal glands and organs. Clears mental confusion and awakens inner connection to higher self.
Emotional: Creates balance and right action of all the chakras. Enhances creativity and connection with inner self. Promotes a sense of inner peace, clarity and unity with higher self.
Necklaces with Apatite: Brazilian Emerald, Calcite and Apatite, Mon Iza
Aligns the etheric and mental bodies. It assists one in honoring their spiritual experiences as their own and using those experiences to further their own growth.
Physical: Cleanses the physical body by directly strengthening the organs that perform that function. It strengthens and flushes the lymphatic system.
Emotional: Reduces fear and stimulates self expression. Helps one to communicate compassionately and to feel safe while moving through the changes of life.
Necklaces with Aquamarine:Shree Ganesh, Devotion, Carnelian and Peridot

Cleanses the esthetic emotional and mental bodies. Activates, clears and protects the heart chakra.
Physical: Often used to treat disorders of the lungs, heart, gland and muscular system, this stone assist one in knowing the true design of the physical body and honoring that.
Emotional: Supplements ones ability to honor ones decisions and to trust the decisions of self to be those for the highest and best interest of the physical self. Relieves anxiety and fear.

Stimulates psychic ability, provides a clear insight into all areas of life and assists one in verbalizing psychic experiences.
Physical: Helps to treat circulatory disorders, spinal miss-alignment, and enhances the flow of motion. It is helpful in relieving spasms and misinformation fed from the brain to the physical body.
Emotional: Assists one in imparting information to the masses that are a part of third dimensional reality and helping them move into awareness of other dimensional realities.

Assists the person in centering and grounding the energy of the heart. Heals the body by assisting in balancing of energy to overcome stress and anxiety associated with awakening.
Physical: Neutralizes and eliminates toxins, helps to clarify the eyesight, lungs and clears congestion and rashes by helping to clear the liver.
Emotional: Heightens consciousness and assists in emotional purification. Assists one in attainment of the altruistic nature necessary for spiritual enfoldment.
Promotes increased mental capacity for astral projection and increases ones ability to remember information from astral travel.
Physical: Stimulates the kidneys to better eliminate toxins from physical body. Relieves the rigidity of mind that produces arthritis, tendentious and other osteopathic problems.
Emotional: Release joy from the esthetic body into the physical plane. Assists the body by stimulating the mind to remember divine connection during out of body experiences.
Necklaces with Calcite: Calcite and Apatite
Very highly evolved mineral healer. Often referred to as the Master Communicator. It energizes the blood and enhances the functions of all eliminative organs. It vitalizes the physical/mental and emotional bodies. Aligns the esthetic bodies and enhances attunement with inner self. Facilitates concentration and opens the heart. It is a warming and joyous gem.
Necklaces with Carnelian:Chakra, Shree Ganesh, The Sun, Devotion, Carnelian and Peridot, Carnelian Necklace, Ma Catoune, Exotica, Jhambo Jubille

Provides for clarity of communication of ideas of a universal nature that enhances the enfoldment of the universal well-being of humanity.
Physical: Treats disorders of the eyes, eliminates negativity which causes toxic buildup in the physical body. Assist the body in assimilating nutrients and eliminating toxins.
Emotional: Assists one in advancing in the spiritual realm, overcoming despair and moving beyond worries and concerns that block ones divine enfoldment.
Strengthens the esthetic body and enhances the physical body in healing in order to produce visible results.
Physical: Strengthens the reproductive organs and opens the sexual chakra. Increases fertility and assists the body in being receptive to the energy necessary to pro or co-create.
Emotional: Provides for an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment and allows one to be open to the recognition of fellow beings as equals – regardless of their station in life.
Necklaces with Chrysoprase:Holy Tree Necklace, Emerald Necklace
Shields and protects the solar plexus. Tempers the energy of the power chakra, allowing for ease in dealing with others while maintaining your personal power.
Physical: Aids in digestion and elimination. Removes toxins and aids in regenerating the digestive system. It balances the thyroid and activates the thymus thereby allowing one to act from the purity of intent of the young in spirit; child like rather than childish.
Emotional: Increases contact with higher self and aids in the accomplishment of matters of daily living. Assists one in attracting those things necessary for life as the Gods that we truly are.
Necklaces with Citrine: Holy Tree, Lotus, Devotion, Shree Ganesh, Green Garnet and Citrine, Champagne Goddess, Garnet Delight, Goddess Zu-Zu, Mon Iza

Represents the ability to allow for flow and change in ones life and quiets the emotions.
Physical: Stimulates tissue regeneration, helps the body to clear cholesterol from the circulatory system by enhancing the production and absorption of niacin into the physical body.
Emotional: Helps one to connect with the quality of the mystic within. Brings in communication with past spiritual masters to bear on current issues and transfer this knowledge in a manner that is easily understood.
Necklaces with Coral: Buddha's Delgiht, Lotus, Chinese Theatre, Turquoise and Coral, Ma Catoune, Om Ganesh
Removes blockages and negativity. Reminds one of ones dedication to spiritual awareness and brings fidelity to ones interpersonal relationships.
Physical: Draws toxins from the physical body lends clarity of sight and helps to balance the metabolizing ability of the body.
Emotional: Removes blockages to the crown chakra, promotes clarity of thought and aligns one to thoughts associated with higher self. Stimulates unity and love of self and others.
Necklaces with Diamond: Om Ganesh
Assists one in living in the now and seizing the day. Helps one to be in touch with the forces that helps one to gain wisdom and correct the tendency to space out and become ungrounded.
Physical: Eases pain, corrects disorders associated with lungs, heart and digestive absorption problems.
Emotional: Raises the consciousness balances the energies and calms the energies. Eliminates feeling of lack and assists one to see the richness in ones life no matter the circumstances.

Aids in the development of keener insight into dreams and alleviates hidden fears. Stimulates the greater use of mental capacity in the healing of the body.
Physical: Treats disorders of the spine, muscles and over-all general healing of the physical body.
Emotional: Balances the heart chakra and aligns and quiets the emotional bodies. Brings harmony to all areas of ones life. Eliminates negativity and assist one in remaining centered during the practical nature of ones work.
Necklaces: Brazilian Emerald, Emerald Necklace, Om Ganesh

Allows one to remain calm and centered in ones own spirituality while dealing with the everyday world. Balance the positive and negative aspects of ones mind.
Physical: Strengthens bones and teeth, helps to remind the body of the original DNA/RNA patterns in the formation of the skeletal structure.
Emotional: Focuses ones energy and attention in the physical body. Increases ones ability to perceive higher levels of reality. Encourages one to maintain ones ideals of health and well-being.
Activates a willingness to serve others while remaining true to oneself. Assists one in being committed to ones self as well as to others and to the causes that one respects and holds dear.
Physical: Activates the second chakra and increases the creative energy. Equalizes sexual energy, repairs damage to DNA and enhances the body in assimilation of iodine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin A and E.
Emotional: Helps to integrate experiences and assist one in self- discovery. Provides a protective influence, a connection to other dimensions. Helps one to recognize flashes of insight and apply them in the appropriate place in one's life.
Necklaces with Garnet: Holy Tree, Lotus, Shree Ganesh, Green Garnet, Garnet Delight
Balances energy fields. Sometimes called master healer it allows one to experience and become connected with one's inner beauty.
Physical: Aids in the regeneration of the heart, improves digestion, assists the body in the absorption of all vitamins and minerals and assists in the balance of left and right brain activity.
Emotional: Attracts honor, wealth and happiness. It enhances mental clarity and clears negativity. It stimulates one to move toward the light more rapidly. Activates the five charkas above the crown and causes an alignment of higher spiritual vision.
Necklaces with Gold: Lotus, Holy Tree, Chakra,

General: Aligns one with ones ideal of growth and improvement. Strengthens progression and eliminates stagnation. Creates stability amidst chaotic change.
Physical: Helps to strengthen bones and enhances elasticity of the skin and connective tissues.
Emotional: Brings good fortune to the user and creates a heart connection between participants when used during ritual practices.

Helps one to remain grounded and to sort out the priorities that one chooses to face. Focuses energy and emotions to facilitate balance between physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Physical: Strengthens the organs that cleanse the blood, i.e. the liver, lungs, etc… Helps to dispel heat in the body often used to bring down fevers.
Emotional: Strengthens the esthetic body, dissolves negativity and opens one to universal love while staying connected to the physical.

Herkimer Diamond
Used as a communication stone, it is often used to tune or align the energies of oneself with another person, place or condition.
Physical: Aids the body in releasing stress and tension, also getting rid of toxins in an appropriate manner. It corrects imbalances in the RNA/DNA and helps the body remember the original plan.
Emotional: Stimulates clairvoyant understanding and the messages one attains from dreamtime. May be used to grid an area or thing for a given energy. Herkimer are of an extreme high and clear energy.

Iolite (water sapphire)
Clears negative thought patterns, banished the blues and encourages one to be secure in oneself and face fear heads on.
Physical: Used to treat fever producing disorders and helps the body to produce regulatory chemicals in the correct proportions for healthy expression.
Emotional: Helps one to be in touch with and clear for communication with ones higher purpose. Eliminates feelings of being trapped on earth plane and opens one to living ones purpose.
Necklaces with Iolite: Buddha's Delight, Shree Ganesh, Carnelian and Peridot

Generates divine unconditional love, assists one in being in touch with ones desires and building the bridges to create dreams into reality.
Physical: Assists one in being in touch with the body's needs to rest and rejuvenate in order to open to spiritual guidance and dream input. Cleanses the blood and removes toxins
Emotional: Assists one in attuning the physical body with earth, provides for a healthy expression of self confidence, self reliance and self sufficiency.
Necklaces with Jade: Holy Tree, Chakra, Devotion, Chinese Theatre, Master Communicator, Ma Catoune, Jhambo Jubille

A protector, clears negativity and assists one in grounding. Represents the elemental nature of humanity and our connection with the components of physical reality.
Physical: Clears toxins, soothes the nerve and balances the mineral ratio for the body. Helps the body to stabilize itself during dietary changes and improves the assimilations of trace minerals.
Emotional: Helps one to stabilize emotions, eliminate contradiction and create a sense of connection between all worlds during travel out of body.
Necklaces with Jasper: Chakra

Eases the entrance of life force into the physical body by strengthening the esthetic, removes obstacles from ones path. Helps one to produce a shield against unwanted energies.
Physical: Balances the cardiovascular system, assists the body in receiving radionic treatments. Promotes the cellular blueprint with the perfect reproduction of the physical form.
Emotional: Opens the heart chakra and promotes the unification of the soul with the heart.

Connects one with one's destiny in the stars. Connects the user with the other worldly energies that reside within the stone.
Physical: Treats disorders of the brain, aids in digestion, reduces anxiety and stress, stimulates mental sharpness.
Emotional: Helps one to advance without constraint. Provides clarity of purpose and insight into ones direction according to the preconceived plans of your higher self.
Necklaces with Labradorite:Buddha Delight, Labradorite Necklace, Goddess Zu-Zu

Lapis Lazuli
Strengthens the body during spiritual growth and opens one to receive messages from the higher self regarding one's well being. Opens one to direct contact with the void.
Physical: Releases anxiety and tension. Invigorates the thymus and pituitary glands. Strengthens the immune system and encourages the wisdom to care for the physical body.
Emotional: Increases spiritual and psycho-spiritual experiences, expands awareness and intellectual ability. Encourages success in relationships and opens one to advance in relation to universal wisdom.
Necklaces with Lapis Lazuli:Shree Shree Ganesh

Reduces the need to stress and worry needlessly. Assists one in restructuring and reorganizing patterns and allowing new things to express forth in ones life.
Physical: Sometimes referred to as mineral kingdom theorizing, it produces a calming effect on the body, reducing insomnia and hyperactivity.
Emotional: Stone of transition, allows one to connect with the divine plan and work through perceived difficulties.

Assists one in accepting and allowing for one's shortcomings and proceeding in a manner that is supportive of one's enfoldment. Creates a clear path leading to a desired goal.
Physical: Helps one get in touch with the thought that caused physical disorders, aligns and cleanses the cellular structure. Helps to ease the birth process
Emotional: Inspires healers to give more of themselves while serving the universal good. Promotes loyalty in relationships and responsibility in transactions.
Necklaces with Malachite: Chakra

Speeds up and enhances the enfoldment of the being in a spiritual and meta-spiritual nature. Allows one to access inner dimensional and extraterrestrial beings end energies.
Physical: Assists the body in becoming more balanced, helps in the absorption of vitamin B complex and in regulating irregularities of the heart.
Emotional: Stimulates the ability to feel messages from beyond. Balance all the charkas and transmutes negative energy. It opens the user to the vast amount of support that is available beyond our perceived boundaries.

Brings peace and harmony and attracts one to spiritual things. Assists one in allowing oneself to be served and treated with the kindness and consideration that one deserves.
Physical: Aids in the assimilation of nutrients, eliminates toxins, strengthens the reproductive organs in women, eases labor, enhances fertility and assist the body in releasing excess water.
Emotional: Integrates the emotions so that one may experience true compassion and sensitivity. Alleviates emotional tension.
Necklaces with Moonstaone:Shree Ganesh

Protects gentle people from abuse, shield against negativity, stabilizes internal and external energies.
Physical: Provides the healer and the subject with insight and clarity into the cause and necessary things to dispel disease.
Emotional: Disperses un-loving thoughts, protects against that which could bring harm emotionally or mentally.
Necklaces with Rainbow Obidian:Holy Tree

Encourages good fortune, enhances self-control, stimulates divisiveness.
Physical: Strengthens the center of the skeletal system. Allows for internal support of outer desires.
Emotional: Banishes grief and allows one to separate with grace and ease. Assists one in becoming the orchestrates of one's future. Helps one to recognize one's strengths and to utilize them to one's best interest.

Aids in restoring harmony on all levels. Opens one to spontaneity of action and decisions. Helps one to understand forces of mysticism, intuition and shamanism.
Physical: Promotes clarity of sight, helps purify blood, and relieves fatigue. Often times used in childbirth to reduce the effects of pain.
Emotional: Opens one to balance and clarity in the decision making process. Provides faith in oneself and helps one to release old patterns of being and embrace ones true nature.
Necklaces with Jade: Devotion

Alleviates emotional imbalances. Enhances personal integrity and smoothes the peaks and valleys of emotional expression.
Physical: Strengthens the adrenals and pancreas thereby increasing the production of insulin. Relieves conditions of bloating and eases the fluctuation of insulin levels in the body.
Emotional: Brings truth to situations of the heart, inhibits behavior that is not conducive to the advancement spiritually and emotionally of the individual.
Necklaces with Pearls: Holy Tree, Buddha's Delight, Devotion, Chakra, Carnelian and Peridot, Carnelian Necklace, The Sun, Ma Catoune, Tourmaline Necklace, Champagne Goddess, Goddess Zu-Zu
Eases reception of information from higher self. Stimulates an openness of solar plexus and allows for an ease of tense situations.
Physical: Clears toxins, stimulates complete tissue regeneration of the body and allows vibration remedies to work more effectively. Strengthens the spleen and the pancreas.
Emotional: Eliminates behavior that is not conducive to the enfoldment of self. Eases nervousness and balances and aligns the energy to heal the ego.
Necklaces with Peridot: Lotus, Chakra, Shree Ganesh, Green Garnet
Alleviates depression and improves memory. Provides permanence to relationships and stimulates self-approval. Enhances intuition, psychic abilities and awareness of other levels.
Physical: Stabilizes the physical body, clears the digestive tract, stimulates the health of the eyes.
Emotional: Improves one's ability to interpret psychic experiences. Enhances one's ability to move towards one's goals.

Assists one in seeing the truth behind facades. Promotes the recall of memories of the perfection of love.
Physical: Aids in the assimilation of nutrients. Aids the upper digestive tract in the efficient solution of food stuff.
Emotional: Strengthens the astral body and eases depression, frustration and anxiety and false hopes. Rids one of danger and all forms of negative vibrations.
Amplifies energies and thought patterns, quartz assists one in increasing the force of thought for sending and receiving energy, information or vibrations. It is the only stone of the mineral kingdom that can be programmed to carry a vibration other than that which it was naturally given.
Physical: Strong positive influence on the digestive system and the bodies ability to heal itself. Has been used successfully to treat vertigo.
Emotional: Opens and activates the pituitary chakra (throat) and assists one in being better able to experience visions.
Necklaces with Clear (Crystal) Quartz: Shree Ganesh
Aqua Aura
Clear quartz that has been molecularly bonded with 24K gold. This stone is sometimes referred to as the stone of manifestation. It assists one in bringing into physical form that which only exist in thought before.
Physical: Allowing spirit to work through whatever means that are presented to heal the body.
Emotional: Assists one in trusting spirit to manifest the necessary things to create the dreamed of reality – stepping out on faith knowing that all is well.
Necklaces with Aqua (Blue) Quartz:Sandalwood Goddess
Symbol of universal awareness, the phantom crystal awakens in the user the ability to access original truths. It may be used to connect with personal guides or loved ones who have passed away.
Physical: Often used for hearing disorders and may be used to help clear inner ear problems.
Emotional: Because of the shadows of the past within a phantom it can be used to access information regarding past lives and situations that are affecting the present.
Rose (Pink, Cherry)
Promotes self-fulfillment and peace, restores balance to the emotions.
Physical: Helps the body to release muscular cramping, useful during one's menstrual cycle, birthing and after strenuous exercise. Helps the body to absorb magnesium.
Emotional: Brings calmness and clarity to the emotional state and assists one in trusting one's own truth and decisions.
Necklaces with Cherry Quartz: Chakra, Shree Ganesh, Carnelian and Peridot, Ma Catoune, Buddha's Delight
In the past this stone was primarily used to heal the physical body and assist with tissue regeneration after injury.
Physical: Helps the body restructure according to accelerated DNA patterning. May be used to assist in healing injuries by reminding the body of the accelerated DNA pattern thereby speeding recovery.
Emotional: Assist one in accessing the thought form that caused the disorder. Now this stone is being used to bring the evolving human into earth resonant frequency so that they may experience the ascension process with ease.
Creates a sense of stability and connection to one's ability to survive. Helps one be aware of what drives the desire to maintain the body.
Physical: Strengthens and rejuvenates the first chakra, the reproductive organs. Helps one to be grounded in the vitality of the creative process.
Emotional: Creates a sense of connection to the earth, the ability to draw support, focus and intention from the solid foundation of inner truth.
Cleanses the subconscious and allows access to higher thoughts.
Physical: Soothing to topical disorder, also useful for treating the thyroid. Helps the body to cleanse and remove toxins that result from internal inflammations
Emotional: Creates emotional balance and assists one in increasing feelings of self-worth and self-esteem. Useful in situations of emotional and physical abuse, it allows the victim to get in touch with feeling deserving of honor and respect.
Necklaces with Rhodochrosite:Holy Tree, Emerald Necklace, Green Garnet and Citrine, Jhambo Jubille
Balances yin and yang and duality of thought. Promotes a sense of inner calm and self-assuredness.
Physical: Strengthens the inner ear and allows one to become more open to "hearing" what is truth.
Emotional: Dispels anxiety, calming influence during chaotic times. Allows for increased results from mantras and affirmations.
Preserves the body and improves general health. Stimulates the heart chakra and helps one to reach their most sought after goals.
Physical: Strengthens tissues directly connected with the heart, treats the heart muscle. Helps to reduce fear and assist the body in flushing chemical toxins.
Emotional: Creates balance in spiritual endeavors, brings about a state of stability and confidence and improves ones ability to deflect negativity.
Necklaces with Ruby: Shree Ganesh, Tourmaline Necklace

Represents one's connection with divine mind. Opens the mind to beauty and intuition.
Physical: Stimulates the regeneration of the pituitary gland and the ductless glandular system.
Emotional: Improves communication with spirit guides, promotes clarity and inspiration. Alleviates depression by helping the body correctly regulate the chemicals that affect moods.
Necklaces with Sapphire:Devotion, Om Ganesh

Selenite (Gypsum)
Helps one to be more consciously aware of ones surroundings and how that awareness is connected with the all that is.
Physical: Allows the physical skeletal structure to be more flexible ; also is used to halt the formation and growth of abnormal cellular structure. Strong anti-carcinogenic.
Emotional: Assist one in being strong yet flexible when making decisions and to see all sides and depths of given situations before making a rational judgment...

Allows one to be more receptive to the good in life. Usually chosen by those in service in life, silver is reflective and moon oriented in its energy.
Physical: Helps the body to eliminate toxins, helps to stabilize vision by assisting the body in the assimilation of vitamins A&E. It assists the body in absorbing helpful trace minerals from stones that it is used with.
Emotional: This metal assists one in showing a more reserved cultured response to one's surroundings. It enhances one's ability to articulate information concisely and clearly with a smoothness that is readily acceptable in all situations.
Necklaces with Silver: Buddha's Delight, Shree Shree Ganesh, Turquoise and Coral

Sometimes referred to as the stone of endurance, this stone helps one to be grounded and focused before beginning any task. It assist one in following through to completion with ease.
Physical: Strengthens the thyroid gland and assists the body in efficient metabolism. It has been used to treat nervous stomach.
Emotional: Assists one in allowing for forthright communication of feelings tempered with compassion for the recipients reaction. It opens one to support and self-esteem building situations while promoting a sense of openness and self confidence in one's choices.

Strengthens ones ability to spread love and light in the world. Assists one in getting in touch with ones purpose and to believe in one's ability to fulfill that agreement.
Physical: Helps one to release negativity that often causes physical diseases. Clears the energy of despair so that healing can take place.
Emotional: Helps one to get in touch with the thought form that causes the physical disorder. Helps one to receive the open channel of information and support from higher self and Spirit.
Assists the user in articulating the content of Psychic insight, facilitates communication between third dimension and others.
Physical: Helps the body to absorb zinc, restores consciousness, clears toxins that can cause skin disorders.
Emotional: Allows one to be more cognizant of the anomaly of time and space in relation to our current third dimensional reality. Assist one in feeling more at one with the all.
Necklaces: Devotion
Tiger Eye
Aids in the clarity of perception, sometimes referred to as the stone of commitment, it assists the user in forming clear and defined ideals around responsibility to relationship.
Physical: Soothes the abdomen and strengthens the navel chakra, opens the circulatory system to a more uniform and consistent flow.
Emotional: Tiger-eye often signifies a need to complete unfinished communications; to bring closure or at least an up to date status to relationships and projects.
Necklaces with Tiger Eye:Devotion

General: Assists one in attracting and absorbing that which is needed from the universe. It helps one to enact the things necessary to change one's physical world by putting them in touch with the higher desires of self.
Physical: Clears toxins from the body, helps the clarity of communication of perfected physical reality that was the original program.
Emotional: It instills a sense of trust in the universality of all. Allows the user to surrender to the pre-planned destiny that is set-up in the beginning.
Necklaces with Topaz: Buddha's Delight, Devotion

This stone comes in every color of the rainbow and each color has a specific frequency that alters the human condition. As a general rule each of the colors correspond to a chakraand affect that energy center of the body.
Clear or White
Corresponding to the crown chakra, it enhances and aligns the other colors and the energy centers of the body. It synthesizes the desire to serve on all levels thereby serving one's Self.
Activates the throat and the third eye allowing for compassionate and clear communication of universal truths and ideals. It assists one in accessing higher realms and relaying that information.
Pink (Rubellite)
Stimulates the heart chakraand encourages the universality of unconditional love. Promotes loving aspirations to be realized in this reality.
Necklaces with Pink Tourmaline:Carnelian Necklace, Buddha Delight, Om Ganesh, Tourmaline Necklace
Strengthens the immune system, clearing toxins in an appropriate manner and stimulating healing in the newly cleansed system. It also transforms negativity and generates an aura of opulence that translates to abundant material gain.
Treats the solar plexus allowing for an opening to the desires and a willingness to allow the necessary changes to take place that would allow for the desires to manifest.
Enhances the creativity, and the activity of reproducing on the physical plane that which is already held within the mental.
Grounding, it helps one to maintain their connection to the reality no matter the outward appearance. It awakens the ideas that are needed originally in order to start the creation process.
Necklaces with Tourmaline:Lotus,

Excellent stone for spiritual attunement because it aligns all the chakras bringing one into the remembrance of original cause.
Physical: Tissue regenerator, restores original DNA patterns and assists one in seeing clearly. Can be used to treat eye disorders such as cataracts.
Emotional: Assists one in looking at the past with an unbiased eye and allowing for the lessons to be learned and the decisions honored. Heals the spirit and brings a calm state of mind to the user.
Necklaces with Turquoise:Buddha's Delight, Shree Shree Ganesh, Master Communicator

Enhances one's ability to reason and logic with impunity, creates the clarity necessary for responsible decision-making.
Physical: Treats the reproductive system. Puts one in touch with the root cause of disease.
Emotional: Helps to clear emotional and physical blockages. Provides gentle release for things that inhibits one's growth.

Provides a deep connection with the power of creation and manifestation.
Physical: May be used for the treatment of exhaustion and healing overuse of the physical vehicle.
Emotional: Promotes the right use of one's resources. Creates a sense of patience and inner clarity during manifestation.

Creates illumination of body/mind/spirit and motion and brings one into alignment with the universal law.
Physical: Helps the body to utilize vitamin E. Aids in the treatment of vertigo and the mending of skeletal tissue and muscle.
Emotional: Assists one in moving freely about the other dimensions. Opens one to purity of intent in all relationships.

Tags: Gem Guide 


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